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JR Liggett

JR Liggett Bar Shampoo

JR Liggett Bar Shampoo

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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J.R.Liggett has been making this incredible bar shampoo for over 40 years. With a consciousness toward ecology and their customers well-being, they use healthy, natural ingredients, and there's zero plastic in their packaging. We have customers who have been diehard fans of their shampoos for many years.

Original Formula: The formula for this incredible and unique bar of shampoo was discovered loosely placed in an old New England Cookbook many years ago by J.R.Liggett. This is the cornerstone of their line of bar shampoos.

Ingredients: Saponified olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, essential oils of rose, lavender, and spearmint

Jojoba & Peppermint is ideal for dry scalp as it help remove the scaling and repair the skin. Jojoba rapidly penetrates down to the scalp and hair shaft, and readily loosens and dissolves this hardened build-up. Jojoba Oil leaves the scalp and hair follicles clean and free to continue their normal function, while the Peppermint oil stimulates and promotes a healthy scalp.

Ingredients: Saponified olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, peppermint essential oil

Herbal Formula: Rosemary, Lavender, and Cedarwood. is a wonderful smelling all natural shampoo bar. Rosemary is good for dry itchy scalp and promotes hair growth. Lavender has anti-fungal properties and is good for treating eczema. Cedarwood has a calming aroma and anti-inflammatory properties. Great for acne-prone skin.

Ingredients: Saponified olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, Vitamin E, essential oils of rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, petitgrain, and lemon

Moisturizing Formula: Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, and Almond Oil are added to our original shampoo formulation to moisturize and aid in the healing and restoration of damaged dry hair. Great for cold weather climates.

Ingredients: Saponified olive oil, coconut oil. castor oil, mango butter, virgin coconut oil, almond oil, Vitamin E, aloe vera. No fragrances added.

Virgin Coconut and Argan Oil: Gives new life to dry, tangled, flyaway hair and restores smoothness, strengthens, and gives your hair luster and shine.

Ingredients: Saponified olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, virgin coconiut oil, argan oil, Vitamin E. No fragrances added.

Conditioner: Super Concentrated and long lasting, approximately equal to a 32 oz. bottle liquid conditioner. There are no detergents and no plastic bottle to deal with. Also, it's an excellent partner to J.R.Liggett's line of all natural Shampoo Bars.

The Conditioner Bar is easy to use. You can use your hands to apply sparingly or rub it directly on to your hair for more conditioning. Just lightly rinse before drying. You will quickly notice a clean, softer, and smoother texture to your hair. A comb will simply glides through your tangle free hair, leaving it soft and natural feeling. Beautiful and comfortable, with a healthy natural sheen. No fly away, drab looking hair.

Contained in a recyclable paper box is a thin paper pouch holding the conditioner bar. This pouch is not waxed or chemically finished. It is fully recyclable, compostable, and100% biodegradable. It helps retain the bars freshness, and extends the wholesome and pure, organic essential oils used to scent our unique and natural conditioner bars.

This is attested to by the number of years it has been on the market. Its 100% vegetable oil formulation lathers quickly, cleans well, and rinses out easily, leaving you with healthy, beautiful, and clean hair. It will not strip the natural oils from your hair (there are no detergents). For this reason, most people do not need a conditioner!

J.R. Liggett was first introduced to making soap as a child by his great aunt in Nebraska. She would have him help her make her yearly batch of soap. It wasn't until years later that he discovered an old recipe card stuck loosely in a very old book. The recipe was for Hair Soap and caught J.R.'s attention. He made up a batch and the rest is history. It turned out to be a fantastic, all natural shampoo, the likes not seen for more than 100 years. He started by giving bars to friends and family as gifts for birthdays and holidays. He soon had people asking for more and more. This was how a hobby turned into a business.

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